Information for Authors and Readers
Instructions and Accessability
Open Electronic Access
Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care (SJPHC) is an open access journal making academic research in primary care freely available online for research and clinical communities.
The main mission of the Journal is to publish original, peer-reviewed research on topics related to general practice and primary care. We also publish editorials, discussion papers and reviews to facilitate continuing professional development in family medicine.
Current Issue
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For Authors
Publication Fees
Publication in the SJPHC requires payment of a fee. The standard article publishing charge is EUR 2,110 for 2024. For shorter articles accepted for publication (such as Discussion, Analysis Papers and Short Papers) for non-members of the Nordic colleges, there will be a publication fee of EUR 820.
Discount if the first author is a member of the Nordic colleges
If the first author of an article is a fully accredited member of one of the Nordic societies for general practice (Dansk Selskab for Almen Medicin, Félag islenska heimilislækna, Norsk forening for allmenmedisin, Suomen yleislääketieteen yhdistys SYLY or Svensk Förening för allmänmedicin), will be eligible to receive a 30% discount to the article processing charge for publishing their work (this is EUR 1.477 for 2024 for research articles). .
For members of the Nordic colleges, there will be a publication fee of 742 plus VAT, or other local taxes where applicable, for shorter articles accepted for publication (such as Discussion, Analysis Papers and Short Papers).
The member discount code for 2024 is IPRI-NFGP-2024. This code is valid for use on all submissions made until 31st December 2024. The discount code should be input on submission and all submissions to the journal should be made through the journal’s online submissions portal. During the submission process, you will be prompted to add the discount code when completing the Charges section. Input the member discount code into this section and click ‘Apply Discount’ to have the 30% APC discount applied.